【分享】巴黎時裝週:LANVIN - Spring/Summer 2015
這次要來和大家介紹的是LANVIN 2015春夏女裝系列的時裝秀,
攝影師Matthew Hars這次飛往巴黎,帶領大家從紐約時裝週到巴黎時裝週,
你是否曾經有放在庫房裡並從未使用的底片膠捲呢?經過一段時間,那些膠捲終究會過期並且失去效用。同樣的,如果你是一個時裝秀模特兒,過了一定的時間,你可能也會過氣殞落,而那可能就是你的二十五歲生日。時尚在世界上,可以說是一個最年齡歧視、虛榮、及惱人的行業;然而,LANVIN希望透過本次在巴黎時裝週2015春夏系列秀來改變這論點。LANVIN使用了不同年齡層的模特兒,甚至有些模特兒的年齡已經接近五十歲,這些模特兒都是時裝秀的傳奇,包括波蘭名模瑪高莎貝拉(Malgosia Bela)、加拿大時尚模特兒克里斯汀歐文(Kirsten Owen)、以及完全震撼本次時裝秀的美國超級名模安柏瓦萊塔(Amber Valletta)。我們想要捕捉這永恆的精神,因此本次的時裝秀照片我們也以復古的柯達克萊姆膠捲風格來呈現,由時尚與名人攝影師馬修哈斯(Matthew Hars)拍攝,並獨家分享給D STYLE的讀者們。我們創造了從1960和1980年代不同的膠捲風格,並透過數位處理來凸顯永恆的美麗,也希望能夠藉此表達在這數位科技瘋狂的年代,底片膠捲其實可以像這些傳奇模特兒一樣美麗,對比現代的數位科技甚至更好。
Have you ever had film laying in your garage? After a certain date that film will expire and will be useless. In the same respect if you are a runway model you also expire after a certain date and that date is your 25th birthday. Fashion is the most ageist, vain, and annoying industry in the world.
However, fashion house Lanvin hopes to change that in its recent Spring/Summer 2015 show at Paris Fashion week. Lanvin used models of different ages some even in their late 40's. These models were runway legends and include Malgosia Bela, Kirsten Owen and Amber Valletta who totally rocked the runway. D STYLE wanted to capture this ageless spirit so we photographed the show in old vintage Kodachrome. We used Fashion and Celebrity photographer Matthew Hars to photograph the show exclusively for D STYLE. We created different versions of film from 1960's and 1980's using a digital process to highlight ageless beauty. We are trying to show in a technology crazed world film is beautiful just as older models are beautiful and can sometimes be better than their younger or digital counterparts.
本次的時裝秀在法國巴黎的École des Beaux-Arts(法國美術學院)舉辦,並透過美麗驚人的室內壁畫、及新古典主義的建築,進一步的來凸顯永恆的主題。時裝秀以饒舌歌手肯伊威斯特(Kanye West)與其妻子金卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)遲到二十分鐘作為一個粗糙的開端,你知道...身為一個攝影師,你可能得拿著相當重的攝影器材,有時這些器材甚至超過十八公斤,所以有一組來自義大利的攝影師很生氣,並在肯伊和他的妻子抵達秀場時開始噓他們,接著肯伊就開始失控暴怒了...(在我們的復古柯達克萊姆照片中你可以看到此畫面),不過經過一陣義大利語的怒罵後,時裝秀還是進行的一帆風順,前衛的音樂、飄逸的雪紡、以及模特兒美麗的臉孔們,這場秀是如此的優美!透過這些事物,我認為我們需要明白時尚不僅僅之是關於年齡、性別、種族、或性取向、或肯伊氣到暴怒...,時尚是美麗的,而這些上年齡的傳奇模特兒們,都是我在時裝秀時期裡從未見過且美麗的模特兒。
The show was held in École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, France consumed by amazing interior murals and neoclassical architecture further highlighting the ageless theme. The show got off to a rough start with Kim Kardashian and Kanye West showing up 20 mins late. As a photographer or videographer you have to sometimes hold your equipment(which can be over 40 lbs). So a group of Italian photographers were mighty pissed and started booing Kanye and Kim upon their arrival. Kanye then flipped out and started screaming at the photographers as shown in our pretty Kodachrome photos. However after and a few curse words in Italian it was all smooth sailing. The show was beautiful with edgy music, flowing chiffon, and beautiful faces. In all I think we need to realize that fashion is more than age, gender, race, sexual orientation or Kanye hitting the ceiling. Fashion is beauty and these older models are the most beautiful models I have ever seen on a runway period.
Photographer: Matthew Hars